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Rates and registration

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15 minute private lessons


Follow the learn-to-swim program step by step and learn how to selfrescue.

119,95 euro per month (private lessons)

Lessons of 30 minutes

Learn-to-swim Parent-taught

Teach your child to swim-float-swim in a small group! Lets have some fun while learning!

59,95 euro per month

Lessons of 30 minutes

Learn-to-swim Diplomaswimming (grades 6-10)

After grade 5, children learn everything that is needed to swim for their official swimming diploma. This diploma meets the national standards of diploma C.

79,95 euro per month

Fixed fees

€30,- administration fee per child. €37,50 swimvest €75,Certification swimming A, B or C - (including the diploma and an attention)

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